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The Dawn/ Emotional Baggage

"Let's Define Emotional Baggage"...........

Emotional baggage is the sum of all the negative experiences you've had in relationships that you bring with you throughout life. Some of us have failed to heal from our past which brings the end result of more pain. This baggage therefore affects your interactions with people. Emotional baggage dosen't just come from your romantic relationships. Basically every relationship you've had from childhood up to your adulthood came with some form of emotional baggage.

You've heard the saying many times

"Let Go and Let God".....well, that is a very powerful statement of TRUTH!

"ACCEPTANCE is the first step to dealing with your emotional baggage. When you admit that it does exist in your life and will continue to return until it is faced.

How would you describe the kind of Baggage you carry?

Using emotional baggage as a metaphor....if you were to take old battered suitcases and filled them with a mixture of negative and unprocessed emotions that were acquired throughout the years. The feelings that came from our past experience, behaviors and interactions with people from our past still hold a negative force. Each person's "struggle" is different.

Maybe you have cheated or been cheated on, or you may have residual issues related to trust. If you ever felt you were always last on the "List", you may have heightened sensitivity to feeling excluded from the world. The more details and facts you discover about your own personal baggage, the better equipped you are to handle any situation that arise.

I would personally like to encourage all of my followers male and female to put some thought into what triggers you emotionally. Below is a Quiz

from" Live Happy Magazine"

designed to help you to determine how much your emotional baggage impacts your present experiences.

The Quiz

1.) When situations arise that remind me of negative experiences..............

A. I avoid these situations

B. I am not very aware when these situations happen, or I brush them off.

C. I work really hard to face them head on.

2.) When I see something disturbing that I'm worried will affect me emotionally.......

A. I immediately put up a wall.

B. I don't notice when these are about to happen.

C. I do what I can to prepare myself, then I deal with the impact by taking care of my feelings.

3.) When it comes to trusting people..............

A. I believe people aren't trust worthy unless they have proven to be so.

B. When it comes to trust, I don't pay much attention.

C. I try often to be open, but will put my guard up as needed if someone appears to be untrustworthy.

4.) If I am dealing with other people and they deliberately wave a red flag in my face to stir up old emotions..

A. I run away or distance myself completely

B. I ignore it or distract myself.

C. I do my best to educate myself and the other person involved so we can both be cautious about it.

5.) When thinking about myself and emotional health..............

A. I view myself as damaged, troubled or in a place where my feelings would be hard to repair.

B. I don't evaluate my emotional health.

C. I see my strengths and weaknesses.

6 .The emotional baggage that was caused by other people in my life makes me feel..............

A. Resentful/Angry towards them.

B. I don't even want to think about it.

C. No matter what I'm feeling, I do my best to understand it and heal so I can move on.


If most of your answers are the letter A...... You have an extremely hard time dealing with your emotional burdens. It is important for you to find a sense of hope or willingness to heal from whatever in your past is troubling you. Seek support and guidance from experts, professionals and your support system.

If most of your answers are the letter B..... You are someone who tends to brush issues under the rug and avoid working on situations. You need to first work on coping skills to help you face what makes you feel uncomfortable.

If most of your answers are the letter C...... You are doing a great job of being aware of your emotional baggage. Continue to do your best to manage it in a healthy way.

Remember its time to heal from our emotional baggage....and the only way we can start the process is by first accepting that it EXISTS! " GOOD GIRLS NEVER TELL"

Love always, Dawnyelle

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