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The Dawn/ The Power of Letting Go!

How do I begin to let go?

A grudge, feeling, memory or experience are all things that we hold onto from our past.

The question is WHY? It becomes a neccessity for most maybe even FULFILLING. We often find comfort in familiarity and justification. But holding on to the past has no real benefit.... it only holds you back from achieving your true potential.

Think about it.... have you ever used your past to justify your current decision making? If your answer is yes... that's the reason we don't want to let go. Having a memory of what someone did to you years ago... will later affect your decision making. Will you ever date again, or attend an family event.

Everyone has a story.... Will you continue to live inside your story or let go and move on?

How does your story begin?

Your story is what you tell yourself to justify your life's decisions. For example "I could never have a successful relationship because of my childhood experiences." Learn to use this past experience to justify why you won't know how to deal with a breakup. Never let that influence your current decision/journey because you are unable to let go of it.

Finally releasing the past!

So your relationship has ended and you are experiencing overwhelming amounts of anger and resentment toward your ex. We can be often be fooled to think it helps us to hold onto that anger. Like "We have the right to be" but as time passes you will only start to see that its unhealthy for your soul's growth. You are just not sure how to let go of someone you love and move on.

Once you recognize this behavior as unhealthy... you are already on the right path. Once you decide to make a committment to yourself toward letting go of the relationship and moving on.... you will also find yourself letting go of memories as well.

Moving forward you have to forgive yourself for allowing your emotions to get caught up in the drama of your personal life. Allowing your anger to hurt you in the process. You will have a better story that moves you forward instead of holding you back.

Love Always, Dawnyelle

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